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For our dog owners and dog walkers

Updated: Feb 27, 2022

Our Management Company have invested a portion of your services fees in a determined effort to make our footpaths and open spaces safe from unattended dogs and to clean up the growing issue of dog mess across our residential estate.

Aligned with our Brooklands deed restrictions, new signage makes it clear that dogs must be always retained on a lead when not on private property, and that the children’s playground is a dog free zone. CCTV with night vision will assist us in identifying any dog and their owner that does not comply to facilitate the issue of a penalty notice.

In addressing the growing issue of dog mess, we have paid for the installation and service by WLDC waste management of an additional four dog mess bins, bringing a total of five bins now being in place on Brooklands open spaces. We have received positive feedback from several dog walkers as they ‘christened’ the new bins.

During installation the WLDC Street force workers commented that these red bins can also be used for other waste such as plastic bottles, cans, and snack packets. As always is the case, it is only a handful who ruin it for the rest, but we hope the addition of the bins will make it easier for all Brooklands residents to enjoy a cleaner environment.

Please do not allow your dogs to roam unattended and kindly ensure you carry plastic sacks and you pick up after them when you take your dog for a walk.


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1 Comment

Unknown member
Feb 26, 2022

It’s good news that our development is finally looking a lot cleaner and tidier and now we have dog bins there’s no excuse for dog dirt to be left on roads and pavements, I know the majority of dog owners are responsible so thanks to them that are but it needs to be every dog owner to pick up and deposit in a red bin. And I’d like to thank the volunteers who do a great job in keeping Brooklands maintained and free from rubbish but it needs each and every one of us to do our bit so we can be proud of Brooklands and enjoy where we live.

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